Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Where to start...

The lack of informed individuals is really sad... but complaining never helps anyone and just perpetuates ignorance instead of knowledge...

My aim is inform the public, via humour, vulgarity and sarcasm, on matters which they are unaware of. With regard to what they do know about, I aim to shine a brighter, so that they are aware of accurate information.

As a South African, I plan on covering things that are floating around the surface web... Especially hoaxes and crappy chain messages that plague Facebook... 

That will be my starting point, so feel free to message regarding anything you would like clarification or debate on...

I'll do my best to:
1. Answer any questions
2. Verify the validity of chain messages or public warning messages
3. Engage in intellectual conversation about touchy subjects
4. Speak about random crap

Hope you enjoy the upcoming posts!